Sassafras, Cinnamon and Spicebush Metheglin
I didn’t date this, but I made it sometime back around 2002, I think. A metheglin (accent on second syllable) is a spiced honey wine (mead). Spicebush tastes very much like allspice, which could in fact be substituted here.

Clean all equipment in hot tap water. Make two infusions of 1 1/2 qts. each. Infusion #1: two cups cinnamon bark, a dozen spicebush berries and a large handful or unpacked pint of dried spicebush leaves. Infusion #2: large handful of sassafras roots (equivalent of 4-6 teabags, if you can find them). After several hours of steeping, combine the teas and add 2 lbs. wildflower honey (basswood if you can get it!), or three lbs. for a stronger drink, dissolved in a quart of hot water (between 100 and 150 degrees F). Add 1 tsp. yeast nutrient: this typically means ammonium phosphate, but you can also use yeast hulls for a more organic mead. Or you can leave it out all together, and simply let the metheglin mature a year longer.
The next day, add yeast (dry wine, mead or ale yeast revived in quarter cup of sterilized water for ten minutes. I used Pasteur Champagne yeast with unexpectedly good results–it didn’t come out overly dry).
Rack off sediment once a month for several months, then just let the stuff age for a while and forget about it. The longer the better. (I don’t think mead sediments lend the off-tastes that wine makers always obsess about. In fact, given the anti-microbial properties of honey, perhaps they have an additional preservative effect? I’ve noticed that only that part of the mazing literature written by & for vintners stresses the need to keep racking. Most of the homebrewing crowd don’t seem to bother with their mead after the third or fourth racking, so that’s the practice I follow.)
A very festive drink. Would probably be excellent heated like sake, if you’re into that.